On Aug 26 naval operations working for the European Union have given an update on the state of the blaze aboard the 'Sounion', which risks becoming the worst tanker spill of the 21st century. The ship, owned by Greece’s Delta Tankers, has been on fire since Aug 23 after the Houthi terrorists set it ablaze. All the crew were evacuated and hav since been transferred to Djibouti. There remained multiple fires across the main deck of the vessel, located around the hatches of the oil tanks. Additionally, a part of the superrstructure was on fire. So far there were no obvious signs of an oil spill. The ship remained anchored at the same point in international waters with the EU naval force warning the stricken ship is both a navigational and an “imminent” environmental hazard. “This situation underlines that these kinds of attacks pose not only a threat against the freedom of navigation but also to the lives of seafarers, the environment, and subsequently the life of all citizens living in that region,” the EU’s naval force stated. The US ambassador to the United Nations, has called for the Security Council to condemn the attacks and for the Houthis to cease the attacks. The militant group has repeatedly stated it will not back down in its 10-month campaign against merchant shipping until Israel stops its war with Hamas. “The Houthis’ brazen actions threaten to create an ecological disaster with devastating consequences for the region,” Thomas-Greenfield warned. Report with photo: https://splash247.com/stricken-suezmax-off-yemen-now-an-imminent-environmental-hazard/
On Aug 21, 2024, the 'SW North Wind', while sailing 57 nautical miles south of Aden, reported five explosions close to the vessel. The ship, however, remained undamaged. According to maritime security consultancy Vanguard and UKMTO, there were three further explosions over the next few hours. The vessel was unscathed and continued on its journey. It then sailed via Bab al-Mandeb, and while it was west of Hodeidah, the rebels launched another bomb attack, this time from an unmanned bomb boat. The explosion hit the water close to the ship but no significant damage was incurred and the vessel continued on its way northward. and continued proceeding towards its next port call. The ship had sailed from Singapore Anchorage on Aug 7 en route to Suez. No casualties were reported.
The 'Sounion' has been on fire since Aug. 23 after an attack by the Houthi terrorists with no obvious signs of an oil spill, EU Red Sea naval mission Aspides said on Aug 26. The EU mission published photos dated Aug 25, showing fire and smoke coming out of the vessel's main deck. The Houthi terrorists said on Aug 24 that they attacked the tanker in the Red Sea in solidarity with Palestinians in the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza. Fires were observed on at least five locations on the main deck of the vessel, Additionally, a part of the superstructure was on fire too. Report with photo: https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/eu-naval-mission-greek-flagged-ship-sounion-fire-since-august-23-after-houthi-2024-08-26/
The EU maritime mission Aspides warned that the damaged 'Sounion' was now posing a threat to the environment. The tanker was loaded 150,000 tons of oil, when it was hit by several projectiles on Aug 21, which caused a fire on board and disabled the ship. Responsibility for the attack has not been claimed. The crew was taken to nearby Djibouti. The 'Sounion' was anchored between Eritrea and Yemen. The owner Delta Tankers said that the ship will be transferred to a safe destination. Repairs can then be carried out there. As far as is known, the fire on board was under control. Report with photo: https://www.schuttevaer.nl/nieuws/actueel/2024/08/22/vrees-voor-milieuschade-na-aanval-op-griekse-tanker-sounios-in-rode-zee/
Three fires have been observed on board the 'Sounion' the United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) said on Aug 23, one day after it was evacuated by its crew after being attacked by Yemeni Houthi militants. The Houthi terrorists said on Aug 22 that they had attacked the tanker in the Red Sea. The UKMTO received reports of three fires being observed on the vessel, which appeared to be drifting. Later in the day, the Houthis posted a video on social media that purportedly showed them setting the tanker on fire. The ship, carrying 150,000 metric tons of crude oil, now was posing an environmental hazard, the EU’s Red Sea naval mission Aspides said on Aug 22.The attack led to the loss of engine power, according to UKMTO. The vessel was anchored between Yemen and Eritrea. Report with photo and video: https://gcaptain.com/abandoned-tanker-sounion-on-fire-and-adrift-after-houthi-attack-in-red-sea/