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Lifeboat crews alerted by fales mayday call
Lifeboat crews were sent on a £6000 wild goose chase after the "Ckamir Schulte" accidentally sent a distress call on Aug 12 at 4 p.m. Two RNLI crews from Dunbar, East Lothian, and one from St Abbs in the Scottish Borders, spent two hours scouring the area between the stations for a stricken vessel after receiving a mayday alert of a lifeboat siking. Aberdeen Coastguard was also alerted and checked its recordings to identify the source of the call. The rescuers honed in on the "Clamor Schulte", anchored off Dunbar - but the crew initially denied the emergency signal was anything to do with them. After more fruitless searching the ship eventually admitted it had broadcast the call. The captain admitted they had been carrying out lifeboat drills on board and they had broadcast it on a public channel rather than a private one.
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