On Jan 13, 2025, at 12.50 a.m., the 'Ceylon Breeze' was boarded by 10 perpetrators, armed with knives and stel bars, at the Payra Outer Anchorage, where the ship has been moored in pos. 21°19.2' N 90° 4.28' E since Jan 10, having sailed from Asam Asam on Dec 30, 2024. The crew of the cargo vessel was tied up, and the pirates stole ship's properties and stores.
On Jan 19 2025, at 05.05 a.m., the Golden Calvus', en route from Itaqui to Zhoushan, was boarded by six perpetrators, armed with parangs, 3.7 nautical miles off Batu Berhanti in the in the eastbound lane of the Traffic Separation Scheme of the Singapore Strait in pos. 1°10.65' N 103°49.32' E. The crew was tied up, and the pirates stole engine spares.
On Jan 17, 2025, at 5.36 p.m., the 'Golden Curl', en route from Qingdao to Belawan, was boarded by two unarmed perpetrators, at the Belawan Anchorage Area no. 6 in pos. 3°55.8' N 98° 44.5' E. The pirates stole unsecured items and escaped.
429 days after the crew of the 'Galaxy Leader' was taken hostage by the Houthi terrorists on Nov 19, 2023, for the first time during this 14-month incarceration there was hope that the 25 crew members could be freed imminently in connection with the phase one ceasefire agreed between Israel and Hamas, which came into effect on Jan 19, 2025. A senior Houth told that through Palestinian negotiators, they guaranteed that the ship and its crew will be freed in the coming days. The Houthis said on Jan 19 that as long as the ceasefire remains in place between Israel and Hamas, international merchant ships may now transit the Red Sea. However, Israeli-owned and Israeli-flagged tonnage will remain targets, and the continued attacks on Yemen by British and American military forces could see ships from those countries targeted too.
On Jan 16, 2025, at 2.37 a.m., the Jolanda', enroute from Lanshan to Qingdao, was boarded by two perpetrators, armed with gun like objects, 2,96 nautical miles north of Pulau Cula in pos. 1°5.33' N 90° 103°43.26' E, while underway in the eastbound lane of the Traffic Separation Scheme of the Singpore Strait. No injuries were reported, and nothing was reported stolen.