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Allision in Brake
On June 29, 2016, around 1 p.m. the "Widor" allided with the "Ionic Halo" while unmooring in the port of Brake. When the ship which was berthed behind the bulkcarrier at the South Quay abd turned towards the fairway, it was caught by currents and pushed against the stern of the "Ionic Halo". Obviously the 68 year old Lithuanian master had misjudged the strength of the outgoing tide. The cargo ship scraped the stern with its port side and suffered damage at the cargo hatches and a deck crane. Hydraulic fuel leaked out, but did not spill into the Weser. It then backed to its former berth for investigations. The bulkcarrier, which had only suffered slight damage at the stern, left the port short before midnight the same day with an ETA at Riga as of July 2, 5 p.m.. The "Widor" was allowed to sail on June 30 after the damaged hatch covers were fixed, and left the port at 6.15 p.m. bound to Fredericia. It had loaded 2600 tons animal food. As the ship suffered a gear damage, it had to anchor off the Oste for troubleshooting and finally reached Fredericia on July 2 around noon. German report and video: http://www.nwzonline.de/wesermarsch/blaulicht/ebbstrom-drueckt-kuemo-an-stueckgutfrachter_a_31,0,1964132908.html https://www.facebook.com/roland.bolles/videos/1103388499731553/
Allision in Brake
The "Widor" allided with the ship loader III at the South Quay in Brake in the early morning of Sep 6, 2013. The accident was caused by a failure of a Generator during moring operations. The master in vain had tried to stop the ship with an emergency anchoring. The shore side damage was some thousand Euro. The ship which had come from Arhus at 1 a.m. left the port at 6.40 p.m. after the end of investigation and being bound for St. Petersburg where it docked on Sep 10.
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