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Sonderborg in collision
On Nov 8, 2021, the German counterpart maritime safety investigation office notified the Gabinete de Investigação de Acidentes Marítimos e da Autoridade para a Meteorologia Aeronáutica (GAMA) of a collision between the 'Sonderborg' and the German-flagged service ship 'Max'. The incident did not result in injuries or pollution. The GAMA has already collected the evidence for analysis and notified the European Commission through the European Platform for Information on Maritime Accidents (EMCIP).
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10 to 14 days trading at Continent + Baltic for 6950 € daily with Unifeeder
Casualty towed to Brunsbüttel
The "Sonderborg Strait" was berthed in Brunsbüttel-Ostermoor on Jan 10 at 6.30 a.m. for surveys and investigations by the police. Ón Jan 9 around 5 p.m. the vessel had run into the northern embankment of the Kiel Canal at canal km 60,5 near Westerrönfeld and got stuck perpendicular to the fairway at Gerhardhain with the stern protruding into the middle of the canal and the bow ten meters from the shore in spite of an emergency anchoring manoever. The vessel was enroute from Kotka, where it had sailed on Jan 7, to Rotterdam at that time and had suffered engine failure prior to the grounding just after having passed the railway bridge in Rendsburg. After the tugs "Wal" and "Bugsier 15" had towed the ship to Schülp the ship traffic was reopened at 9.30 p.m. German reports with photos:,havarie404.html
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