
General information

Local time:
Moored Vessels:
Expected Vessels:
N 36° 08' W 005° 25'

Moored Vessels

High-speed Craft
03.12. 11:38
Cargo Ship
11.12. 09:49
Passenger Ship
20.01. 02:25
Passenger Ship
21.01. 08:02
Cargo Ship
21.01. 07:35
High-speed Craft
21.01. 08:23
20.01. 17:14
Cargo Ship
11.01. 15:40
Passenger Ship
21.01. 02:51
21.01. 01:52

Expected Vessels

Cargo Ship
21.01. 09:00
High-speed Craft
21.01. 09:45
Cargo Ship
21.01. 10:00
Passenger Ship
21.01. 10:30
Cargo Ship
21.01. 12:30
21.01. 13:00
Cargo Ship
21.01. 13:00
Cargo Ship
21.01. 14:00
Cargo Ship
21.01. 21:00
Cargo Ship
21.01. 22:00

Sailed Vessels

Passenger Ship
21.01. 08:44
Passenger Ship
21.01. 08:12
Cargo Ship
21.01. 07:56
High-speed Craft
21.01. 07:43
Passenger Ship
21.01. 07:24
Cargo Ship
21.01. 07:10
High-speed Craft
21.01. 07:08
Passenger Ship
21.01. 07:04
Cargo Ship
21.01. 06:59
Passenger Ship
21.01. 05:26

Latest news

The CMA CGM JEAN MERMOZ calls TTI Algeciras for the first time

Fri Jul 06 08:35:11 CEST 2018 arnekiel

The CMA CGM JEAN MERMOZ, sister vessel of the CMA CGM ANTOINE DE SAINT EXUPERY, is today (July 4, 2018) operating at TTI Algeciras. This is the continuation of a generation of mega vessels that are currently the largest calling Spanish ports and have chosen the Port of Algeciras as its only port of call in our country. The CMA CGM JEAN MERMOZ, which arrives at the Port of Algeciras from Singapore, is making its maiden voyage within the FAL1 service (French Asia Line 1), an emblematic route of CMA CGM between Asia and Northern Europe which is also part of the services offered by The Ocean Alliance.

Baleària Inks Long-Term LNG Bunkering Deal

Mon Jan 22 21:57:54 CET 2018 arnekiel

Spanish ferry operator Baleària has signed the first permanent LNG bunkering contract for ship propulsion in Spain with compatriot energy company Gas Natural Fenosa. The parties said that the supply deal, signed on January 18, will be exclusive for 10 years and will initially apply to the ports of Barcelona, Valencia and Algeciras. It would then extended to all the peninsular ports operated by the shipping company together with the entire new fleet powered by this fuel committed to using LNG as an ecological fuel. For LNG bunkering services in Barcelona, the company will have a ship assigned to the operations at the port. In the case of Valencia and Algeciras, both companies are already developing a land-based solution.

The third Container Terminal at the Port of Algeciras goes out to Public International Tender

Wed Oct 18 23:19:30 CEST 2017 arnekiel

Companies interested may submit bids for a public terminal or a dedicated terminal on Isla Verde Exterior. The licensing term shall be 50 years. The area, 30.5 Hectares (37 Hectares including public zone), located in the southern part of Isla Verde Exterior next to the intermodal freight railway terminal, has a quay’s 680-metres berthline, to be extended by a further 130 m in order to reach a total quayline of 810 metres with a 18.5-metre deep draft. which shall include automated solutions. Bids, which shall include automated solutions, can be submitted until 31st january 2018 The 2 container terminals currently operating at the Port of Algeciras handled in 2016 a 4.8 million TEUs joint throughput, an increase of 5% over the previous year.

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