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Solar Africa rescued skiff crew
Two mariners who were lost at sea were rescued after a Marine Corps aircraft spotted the 23-ft-skiff about 60 nautical miles northwest of Chuuk on June 5, 2012. The mariners were overdue for arrival in Chuuk by two days, which sparked a search by U.S. Coast Guard Sector Guam. The Coast Guard received a report in the afternoon of June 5, 2012, that the skiff with two people on board was overdue from Nomwin Atoll to Weno, Chuuk. The two men had departed in the morning of June 3 and were expected to complete their 69-mile trip that evening. The Marine aircrew dropped a life raft containing an aviation radio, food, water, flares and signaling devices next to the skiff while the mariners waited for a rescue vessel to arrive. About two hours later, the "Solar Africa" which was coming from Brisbane, launched a small boat and rescued the two sailors. The ship then sailed towards Chuuk to meet a local fishing vessel to transfer the survivors. There were no reports of injuries to the sailors. The "Solar Africa" enrolled in the Amver system on April 12, 2011 and earned one Amver participation award.
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