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Bullcarrier disabled off Barranquilla
The "Qing Yun Shan" was disabled by a mechanical failure in the afternoon of Feb 25, 2019 in the access channel of the port of Barranquilla while heading to Bocas de Ceniza. The ship timewise blocked the eastern fairway, and passing ship traffic was restricted. Three tugs were called to assist by the Maritime General Maritime Directorate (DIMAR). It was moored three miles from Bocas de Ceniza on the outer anchorage in pos. 11° 5.66' N 074° 55.80' W. The Colombian Maritime Authority launched an investigation. The vessel had arrived from Turkey with a cargo of 36.435 tons of clinker on board and was bound to the Compás wharf. Report with video: https://www.elheraldo.co/barranquilla/en-video-ingreso-de-buque-chino-al-puerto-de-barranquilla-culmina-con-exito-601612
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