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Allision in Algericas
In the morning of March 16, 2017, around 5 a.m. the "Poeta López Anglada" allided with with the ferry "Ciudad de Málaga", when both ships were at the berths 4 and 5 of the port of Algeciras. A wind gust of up to 80 km/h caught the ship and pushed the stern of the "Poeta López Anglada" against the "City of Málaga" which was breached above the water line at starboard side had to be taken out of operation. A steel sheet first had to be welded onto the damaged hull. Spanish report with photos: https://www.elestrechodigital.com/destacado/colision-leve-dos-ferrys-puerto-algeciras/
Engine trouble hits Stena ferry at Mull of Galloway
A ferry carrying more than 100 people was left drifting off the Scottish coast after it suffered engine trouble on its way to Northern Ireland. The Stena Navigator was travelling from Stranraer, Dumfries and Galloway, to Belfast when both engines suffered partial propulsion failures. The boat, which has 70 passengers and 47 crew on board, was drifting around four nautical miles west of Corsewall Point lighthouse at the northern end of the Rhinns, Mull of Galloway. Clyde Coastguard said it received a call from the vessel at 12.50am on Saturday. It said two Svitzer tugs, Norton Cross and Willowgarth, went to the area with a view to towing the vessel to Belfast but the Navigator managed to get one engine running and sailed over on half power, accompanied by the tugs. Clyde Coastguard said the vessel arrived at around 4.30am and everybody on board was believed to be safe and well.
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