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Voyage to Emden resumed after three weeks
The 'HC Eva Marie' has left Vigo again after taking refuge in port for 21 days due to a cargo shift, and resumed its voyage to Emden with an ETA as of Feb 20. The ship had been docked at the Transversal wharf since Jan 26 to secure the cargo again. The operation has been concluded without incident, and the ship sailed after the completion of the inspection of the relocation work of its cargo. The work, which started on Feb 8, has been carried out by the Estibadora Gallega y Pérez & Cía, together with a team of nine specialized workers. In addition, they have had the supervision of experts from Holland and a large security deployment made up of members of the Civil Guard, Port Police, Maritime Authority, personnel from Operations and Security of the Port Authority of Vigo (APV) and a private security company. The operation has required a high degree of coordination and precision. Given the particularities of the cargo transported, the work has begun with a detailed inspection of each of the 96 containers before any movement. After this first review, carried out last weekend by specialists, the containers have been relocated without incidents in another hold of the ship. This task has been carried out by local stevedores. Subsequently, the affected containers have been transferred to new units, in a task carried out by specialized personnel and supervised by Dutch experts. Report with photo: https://www.europapress.es/galego/noticia-buque-transporta-municion-abandona-vigo-refuxiarse-21-dias-porto-corremento-carga-20250216193413.html
Ship with ammunition on board sought refuge in Vigo after containers shifted in storm
The 'HC Eva Marie', en route from Aqaba, which was transporting containers with ammunition bound for Emden, has been docked in the port of Vigo since Jan 26, 2025, after suffering a cargo shift due to storms that hit the Atlantic coast. The vessel took refuge in the port due to adverse weather conditions caused by the storm ‘Eowyn’ and its continuation ‘Herminia’, which made it impossible for the ship to sail north and increased the risk of losing the cargo. Nine of its 96 containers had shifted. The goods that the ship is transporting were howitzers. According to a statement issued over the weekend by the Vigo Port Authority, the ship’s cargo is classified as Class I, Division 1.1 and Type E. After receiving the request for berthing, the Port Authority alerted the competent authorities to coordinate the ship’s arrival at the port. The ship has docked at the Transversal pier, an area reserved for ships carrying dangerous goods, where it is kept under surveillance by private security, the Port Police and the Civil Guard. Several meetings were held with the Maritime Captaincy, the Civil Guard, the shipping company, the ship and cargo insurers, and the stevedoring company to address the situation. The first inspection was carried out by an engineer from the shipping company, together with the captain and the ship’s security personnel on Feb 1. They were accompanied by representatives of the shipping company and the head of the Port Authority’s Security Division. This inspection found that the damage suffered by the storm only affected the external structure of the containers, but at no time to the goods they transported. The shipping company stated the shells have been dismantled, as established by international standards for the movement of this goods, and also insisted that the cargo is correctly stowed and inside the protective boxes, and emphasize that it did ot pose any ris. It was required to draw up a safety plan for securing the containers, before receiving authorization to leave the port. The plan will consist of moving the containers in good condition to an empty hold with the aim of isolating those which have been damaged. After this, personnel specialized in this type of cargo will travel to Vigo to inspect the containers and move the cargo from the damaged ones to others prepared for the same purpose. At no time will the goods be unloaded at the pier. Reports with photos: https://xornaldevigo.gal/sociedade/129357-un-buque-que-transporta-municion-refuxiase-en-vigo-desde-hai-unha-semana/ https://www.gciencia.com/perspectivas/o-buque-refuxiado-en-vigo-transporta-unha-carga-mais-devastadora-que-a-do-desastre-de-beirut/ https://www.atlantico.net/vigo/puerto-trasladara-municion-carguero-atracado_1_20250204-3392461.html
Delicate cargo operations in Vigo have started
The removal, deconsolidation and subsequent lashing of the containersaboard the “HC Eva Marie” has commenced, after the shifting that suffered part of the cargo as a consequence of the succession of storms, with waves exceeding 10 meters, and that caused its call at Vigo in the early hours of Jan 26. The Port of Vigo has a safety plan drawn up by the cargo company in which it certifies that the merchandise is perfectly dismantled and stowed in individual boxes - designed especially for this type of cargo - inside the containers and that they do not represent any risk. Likewise, they certified that for the stowage of the cargo they have followed the international IMDG regulations, that is, those that establish the detailed recommendations for the transport of substances, materials and articles considered as dangerous goods by sea. The operation will be carried out by the Vigo companies Estibadora Gallega and the shipping company Pérez & Cía., in addition to nine specialized workers who arrived on Feb 9, and will be supervised by experts from Holland. In addition, there will be a significant surveillance deployment both on the ship itself and on land, and it will be closely followed by a device made up of agents from the Civil Guard, the Port Police -which monitors the ship-, the Maritime Captaincy and personnel from the Operations and Security of the APV. The operation will be divided into two phases due to its logistical complexity. At first, action will be taken on containers that do not present any type of incident, which will be relocated. before the cargo of the nine affected containers will be transferred to new containers. This operation will be carried out by specialized personnel, who will be in charge of moving the goods to empty containers. This will be carried out on board the ship itself and at no time will the goods be unloaded on the dock. The deconsolidation operation will be supervised by experts from a Dutch company, specialised in this type of goods. The docking area is fenced and has private security 24 hours a day from hours before the ship arrived. In addition, Port Police and Civil Guard personnel are permanently in the area. Report with photo: https://www.diariodelpuerto.com/maritimo/vigo-inicia-la-remocion-de-los-contenedores-del-hc-eva-marie-EL22921555
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