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Captain found drunk and was fired
Enroute from Fredericia to Hamburg the "Yara Froya" entered the traffic exclusion zone North of Kiel l/h on Mar 18, 2015, shore before midnight. The traffic control in Travemünde remarked the wrong course and alerted the water police in Kiel. When the officers boarded the tanker, they remarked alcohol smell found the master intoxicated with 1,27 per mille. The ship was ordered to enter the North Port in Kiel until the captain was sober again. He had to pay a safety deposite of 4000 Euro and was fired by the Larvik Shipping AS. The ship berthed at the Voith-Quay on Mar 19 at 1.10 a.m. It was released from detention after a thorough port state control in Kiel on Mar 19 at 4 p.m. and continued its voyage to Hamburg where it berthed at the Van Ommeren Terminal on Mar 20 at 3.15 a.m.
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