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Robbers boarded container ship
The 'Fouma' wwas approached by eight armed robbers in two speed boats in position 02 34 03S, 090 06 40.8W, near Guaquil, Ecuador on April 9, 2020, at 03.30 a.m. The Master raised alarm and activated the Ship Security Alert System (SSAS). The robbers fired warning shots and managed to board the vessel. Following the boarding, they opened 15 containers. When the crew directed search lights towards the robbers, these opened fire towards the bridge. Port Control and the Coast Guard were notified. The robbers stole part of the cargo and escaped. Later, the Coast Guard boarded the 'Fouma' for investigations. There were no injuries to the crew.
3 - 6 months charter extension, trading Caribbean, Hamburg Süd
6 - 9 months trading Caribbean - Brazil, CMA CGM
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