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Two NYK Ships Receive Japanese Pilots’ Best Quality Ship Award
The wood-chip carrier Forestal Reina and the methanol tanker Kohzan Maru III, both NYK-operated vessels managed by NYK Group companies, have been awarded the 2018 Best Quality Ship Award by the Japan Federation of Pilots’ Associations (JFPA).* An awards ceremony was held on June 21 at the Todofuken Kaikan in Tokyo and was attended by Shinya Hitomi, NYK corporate officer and related parties.
Crewmember deadly poisoned during stowaway search
A man conducting a stowaway search on board the "Universal Ace" in Richards Bay died when he entered a cargo hold without breathing gear and was overcome by toxic fumes. Michael van Rooyen was part of a team searching the wood chip carrier prior to the ship sailing from Richards Bay on Sep 7, 2011, when he entered an access point leading to one of the ship’s cargo holds.He was immediately overcome by what is thought to have been carbon monoxide poisoning and a presence of methane gas. A colleague, Marion Wehncke noticed van Rooyen’s absence and went to investigate and on seeing his body lying in the cargo hold he too entered, hoisted van Rooyen across his shoulders and attempted to climb out but he also collapsed. One of the ship’s crew then entered the space with breathing gear and gave his mask to Wehncke before being hoisted to safety by his fellow crew. Both van Rooyen and Wehncke were subsequently brought to the open deck where they received treatment but van Rooyen died soon afterwards. Wehncke was taken to The Bay Hospital where he was admitted to the intensive care unit but later made a full recovery.
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