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German reports with photos:,-Loreley-Erster-Saeuretank-der-Waldhof-soll-am-Wochenende-abgepumpt-werden-_arid,199795.html
The contents of tank 7 of the capsized tank m/v "Waldhof" on Feb 5, 2011, was successfully pumped aboard the "Erlenhof" which had arrived at the sinking site around 8 a.m. Pumping started around 4.30 p.m., and the vessel departed for BASF Ludwigshafen around 9.30 p.m. after the tank was completely emptied. The "Erlenhof" is expected back at the "Waldhof" on Feb 7 to load the contents of tanks 5 and 6 which in the meantime will be pumped into tank 7 and homogenized there. This tank will constantly be used for mixing purposes as it is situated above the water and therefore most easily accessible. Meanwhile 180 ships passed the wreck downstream, so the queue of ships on the Rhine is getting smaller.
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