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Report: Accident was caused by loosened rudder propellers
The 'Eemslift Hendrika' which had run into problems near Norway in April 2021, had to deal with loosened rudder propellers. This happened because the lashing system had not been properly used for the weather conditions at sea, according to a report from the Dutch Safety Board. The voyage during predicted bad weather conditions went against the advice of ship owner Amasus Shipping from Delfzijl. However, the ship had not been given a sailing ban or recommended re-routing. The Dutch Safety Board reports that the shipping company has 'extensive knowledge and experience' about the rudder propellers, but that this was not shared with the ship's crew. The lashing system had sufficient strength, but the rudder propellers had not been lashed according to plan and therefore became loose. This caused the cargo of the ship to shift. In addition, a hole was punched in an anti-healing tank, through which the ballast water ran into the hold.
arrived Port
Arrived Port of Flatholmen near Aalesund 08.04.21 under Tow of Normand Drott and BB Ocean
The 24 m workboat has fallen off
the AQS Tor has been found floating one mile from the Eemslift Hendrika
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