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Tug hit by harbour ferry
On Aug 17, 2012, at 8.30 a.m. the German harbour ferry "Reeperbahn", 140 gt (ENI-No.: 5117160; CS DB3812), was in collision with the "SD Ranger" on the Elbe in Hamburg at the New Tug Pier where the tug was moored. The "Reeperbahn" was underway from St. Pauli to Neumühlen with 25 passengers on board. The bulwark of the "Reeperbahn" was damaged on a length of 10 metres and also the railings at the stern were demolished on a length of five metres. The hull of the tug was dented in the engine room area, furthermore it suffered scratches. A mistake of the ferrie's master was responsible for the accident. He was drug tested with negative result but had to be treated in hospital as he suffered a shock. Both ships were detained for the length of investigations, the data records collected.
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