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Bulkcarrier struck wharf
The 'Federal Crimson' which has been the subject of protests in recent weeks for carrying 51,000 tonnes of controversial phosphate rock from Western Sahara, was believed to have struck part of the Ravensbourne wharf as it berthed on Dec 11, 2019. Concerns over possible structural damage and the safety of those unloading the vessel prompted the Maritime Union of New Zealand to stop its members from working on the wharf as they didn’t feel the wharf was safe until it had been checked out. The wharf was checked on Dec 12 and was found to be structurally sound, so the workers went back to work. A couple of steel bracing rods between the piles underneath the wharf broke when the tug was pushing on the vessel. One of the rods had already been repaired and the other would be repaired on Dec 17. The vessel was expected to move to the Beach St wharf in the morning of Dec 16 before departing on Dec 18.
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