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Collision with pilot boat
On Oct 9, 2019, around 6 p,m, the 'Clupea' was in collision with the pilot boat 'Steinburg' during the transfer of the Pilot enroute from Wilhelmshaven to Rostock on the Elbe off the Kiel Canal locks in Brunsbüttel. The 'Clupea' suffered a dent in the hull, the pilot boat got off with scratches. Upon the entry of the Research vessel in the New Southern Lock in Brunsbüttel officials of the water Police came on board to investigate the incident. The ship resumed its voyage at 8.15 p.m. with an ETA at Rostock as of Oct 11.
Medevac off Sassnitz
On Nov 1, 2016, the lifeboat "Harro Koebke" of the DGzRS station was called to medevac an injured crew member of the "Clupea". The boat took on board an emergency physician and a rescue assistant and rendezvoused with the research vessel of the Federal Institute for Agriculture and Nutrition (BLE) 12 nautical miles south-east of Sassnitz at 4:30 p.m. Despite strong winds and high waves the daughter boat "Novize" transferred the medical team aboard the "Clupea" to carry out an initial treatment of the injured crew member who had suffered a deep cut. They continued their medical care in the hospital of the lifeboat on their way back to Sassnitz where they handed the man to an ambulance at 5:20 p.m. German report with photo:
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