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More trouble for CEG Cosmos
The "CEG Cosmos" suffered water ingress at the porpeller shaft and had to be repaired at the Husum Shipzard from July 8-15, 2012, then sailing on to Rotterdam and actuallz heading for inverness. The cause of the water ingress could not be finally solved in the second dry docking iat the Husumer Dock- und Reparatur-Gesellschaft within short time in spite of thorough investigations. All questionable parts were renewed. Already in March the ship had suffered similar problems off Iceland.
Repairs completed after three months in Husum
On May 15, 2012, the CEG Cosmos" sailed from Husum to Perth after lengthy repairs. In February the ship had suffered propulsion damage 16 hours after having sailed from Thorshofin with a cargo of 1,000 tons of fish meal destined for Perth. The stern tube bearings failed with the result that the drive shaft overheated. The ship was able to reach the small Icelandic fishing village Eskifjodar. On Mar 3 the tug "Eurosund" reached the port to tow the cargo ship for repairs at the Husumer Dock- und Reparatur GmbH. Storm delayed the departure until Mar 12. On Mar 20. the tugs "Karin" and "Süderoog" finally pulled the disabled ship into the drydock in Husum. After the final works were completed, the cargo ship left the port more than three months later and was expected at Perth on Mar 17. German report with photo: http://www.shz.de/nachrichten/lokales/husumer-nachrichten/artikeldetails/article/111/schiffsfahrten-sind-nicht-immer-lustig.html
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