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Defiencies found during port state control
On June 6, 2016, the "Anthos" was subject of a port state control by the marine police Sassnitz in the port of Sassnitz-Mukran. The officers initially found shortcomings in the implementation of safety regulations regarding the ISPS regulations. The flag state was notified accordingly. In addition, during an inspection of the engine room unapproved pipes between the bilge water tank and the outboard valve were detected, by which the oil separator could be circumvented. This violation of the internationally accepted MARPOL regulation from 1973/78 was punished in consultation with the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency of Germany in Hamburg with a security fine in the amount of $ 2,400. The ship which had moored at berth 5, coming from Gdynia on June 3, was still in port on June 7.
ANTHOS 9217656
In the early morning of Apr 9, 2011, the "Thalia" lost a liferaft en route from Rotterdam to Murmansk. Because the raft inflated and drifted in the shipping lane, the crew of the rescue boat "Joke Dijkstra" was alerted by the Coastguard Centre Den Helder at 6.30 a.m. After the "Joke Dijkstra" had the raft in sight, it was visually inspected regarding the lines which might damage the jet propulsion, one crew member jumped into the raft. hauled in from the Joke Dijkstra a towing connection. In this way, bringing in a relatively easy maneuver the 16-persons-raft. It was then lifted aboard the rescue boat and deflated, before the "Joke Dijkstra" returned to Den Helder. Dutch report with photos:
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