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Detention in Szczecin
On Feb 28, 2025, the 'Amber Spirit' was detained in Szczecin with 17 deficiencies, five of which being regarded as seriously and grounds for a detention: 1) Fire safety - Jacketed high pressure lines and oil leakage alarm Missing 2) Alarms - Engineers alarm Inoperative 3) Life saving Appliances - Lifeboats Inoperative 4) Safety of navigation - Voyage data recorder Not as required 5) ISM - Ism certificate Not as required The vessel was released again on March 10 and left the port en route to Russian Vyborg, where it arrived on March 13.
Cargo ship disabled on the Scheldt
On Oct 29 around 6 p.m. the "Brilliante" encountered engine trouble on the river Scheldt in the neighbourhood of Walsoorden being bound from Antwerp to Dunkirk. The trouble occurred short after having left the Boudewijn Lock in Antwerp near buoy 55. After about an hour the tugs "Union Eagle", "Union Panda" and "Fairplay XIV" arrived from Antwerp. The tugs towed the vessel to an anchorage at Terneuzen for inspections. The tug "Evergem" was additional on stand-by alongside the disabled ship. After the ship was at anchor from 10 p.m. until 4.45 p.m. on Oct 30, it entered the lock harbour of the Scheldt in Flusing at 6 p.m. and remained there since.
Suffered an engine failure
General cargo vessel Brilliante suffered an engine failure en route from Antwerp to Dunkirk on Oct 28 2012. Vessel reached Terneuzen on Oct 29 either under own power or under tow, and on Oct 30 was moved to Vlissingen. Maritime Bulletin
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