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Colin Archer getting repaired in Hvide Sande
The Hvide Sande Skips & Baadebyggeri was contracted to restore the "Wyvern", which sank in the Baltic Sea on 11 July. The 116 years old sailing ship is expected to arrive in late December or early January. The restoration will bring the "Wyvern" back to the standard that the vessel had before the accident, this includes among other work on the hull, the outfitting, rigging, machinery, electronic and electrical installations etc. The yard was looking forward to an exciting collaboration with the Stavanger Maritime Museum in the restoration project. It is expected that the "Wyvern" may be repaired in summer 2014.
Triumphant return to Stavanger
1500 people welcomed the "Wyvern" back in Stavanger on Aug 14, one Month after the ship sank off Öland. At the head of the welcoming committee stood Stavanger Mayor Christine Sagen Helgø who spoke of a historic day for Stavanger. The weclcome at the pier showed how important this boat is for Stavanger's identity. A joint funding from the oil industry has made the salvage of "Wyvern" possible. Repair and cleaning work has already done aboard the "Island Constructor" since the ship was taken on deck. After the "Wyvern" was back on the water, it sailed sraight to Hundvåg and was taken on the slip at the boatbuilding yard Sverre Naustvik. It was not clear how long the boat will remain there, but it was hoped it would be back until the Tall Ship Race 2015. Reports with photos: http://www.aftenbladet.no/nyheter/lokalt/stavanger/Haper-a-fa-Wyvern-klar-til-neste-Tall-Ships-Race-3232347.html http://www.rogalandsavis.no/nyheter/article6808305.ece
Wyvern on its way back to Stavanger
On Aug 12 at 8 p.m. the "Wyvern" reached the surface of the water, where it was emptied of hundreds of tons of water. Once the yacht was secured on deck, the "Island Constructor headed to Stavanger. It was already found out that the "Wyvern" sank because the rivets that held the keel in place came loose in heavy weather. The ship is awaited in Stavanger on Aug 14 where it will be welcomed with a big party. Norwegian and Swedish reports with photos and video: http://www.aftenbladet.no/nyheter/lokalt/stavanger/Folg-arbeidet-med-a-heve-Wyvern-3227926.html#.Ugk_kcjwDIW http://sverigesradio.se/sida/artikel.aspx?programid=86&artikel=5614462
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