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Vessel detained after grounding incident
On May 13 some damage was found during an inspection on the "Waterway" which was already repaired apparently by divers. The vessel was still in the port of Bilbao. It was detained by the maritime authority due deficiencies found in a MOU inspection carried out on board. The "Waterway" left Bilbao bound to Rotterdam on May 16 after having corrected the deficiencies found by the maritime authority in the MOU inspection, ETA May 21.
Grounding off Bilbao
While the "Waterway" was waiting for orders, sailing along Spanish coast off Bilbao in the Bay of Biscay, the ship ran aground on May 7, 2019, short before midnight, near Zumaia, East of Bilbao. Four crew members were rescued by the helicopter Helimer 217 of Salvamento Marítimo on May 8 at 3.15 a.m., and taken to Santander. The captain, who remained on board the ship, managed to refloat the ship and take it to deeper water. At this point the tug "Facal 18", the "María de Maeztu" and the SAR ship "Salvamar Orion" of Salvamento Marítimo were sent to assist.The vessel headed to the port of Bilbaom escorted by the "María de Maeztu", and berthed at the Vizcaya Dock at 1.10 p.m. Spanish reports with photos and video: https://www.eldiariomontanes.es/cantabria/carguero-metros-base-20190508165458-nt.html?fbclid=IwAR0RAgAFHOTlAjsKBeWR1x4LGvolFpNEFkBcex5VL5KmuzT4KOFAT_zm-Ag https://www.elmundo.es/pais-vasco/2019/05/08/5cd2e9befdddff94b88b456e.html https://www.elcorreo.com/sociedad/sucesos/carguero-metros-encalla-20190508163338-nt.html https://www.eitb.eus/es/noticias/sociedad/videos/detalle/6392498/video-llega-al-puerto-bilbao-carguero-80-metros-encallado-zumaia/ https://twitter.com/i/status/1126524168411996160
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