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Broken down bulkcarrier waiting for spare parts
On Sep 5 the "Golden Destiny" anchored in Tanjung Putting waters in southwest Kalimantan with broken down main engine. There were no spare parts available, requested for repairs. The master of the vessel and two crew were taken ashore to attend to demanding business in a life raft, most probably because they could not even deploy a life boat. The crew would be able to fix the engine once they have got spare parts, which are to be shipped to the disabled freighter.
Communication loss after blackout
Communication with the "Golden Destiny" got lost on Sep 1, 2017, while the vessel was in the South China Sea en route from Belawan, northern Sumatra, to Balikpapan, eastern Kalimantan. In the morning of Sep 4 the vessel contacted coastal radio in Tanjung Putting National Park area, reporting an engine failure, ensuing blackout and loss of communication means. The crew managed to get vessel under way using auxiliary engines and was proceeding towards Gosong Senggora in the Tanjung Putting area, ETA afternoon Sep 5 where she was to be anchored to carry out engine repairs, and resume the voyage.
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