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Lost timber drifting onto beaches
Timber lost by the "Frisian Lady" have drifted onto beaches across East Lothian. The ship lost its load in the North Sea, and its cargo found its way into the Firth of Forth on March 20, 2018. 200 bundles of timber lost on March 2 enroute from Antwerp to Immingham found their way onto county shores stretching from Morrison’s Haven to North Berwick. People were being urged not to try and salvage the timber which came off the "Frisian Lady" while she was 110 nautical miles esat of Souter Lighhouse, off the South Shields coast. The timber packets had largely broken up into individual planks and were being reported to have washed up on beaches in East Lothian, the Scottish Borders and Fife. The Police Scotland appealed to people not to attempt to salvage any of the timber themselves. HM Coastguard had been issuing navigational safety broadcasts to warn shipping of the lost cargo after the incident, however they said aerial surveillance now indicated that most timber was no longer at sea in large concentrations and has washed ashore. Report with photos:
Repairs in Amsterdam completed
The "Frisian Lady", after repairs of allision damage suffered in Papenburg, left Shipdock Amsterdam again on Sep 18 at 9 p.m. and passed the Amsterdam Sea Canal towards the Northsea bound for Ijmuiden as next port of call.
Allision in Papenburg
When entering the port of Papenburg coming from Klaipeda on Sep 6, 2015, around 9 a.m., the "Frisian Lady" allided with two dolphins in spite of tug assistance. Stormy NW winds of up to 8 Beaufort had caused the accident. The ship suffered a breach one meter above the waterline. The ship was detained until the seaworthiness was ensured again. The water police Emden launched an investigation. Also the dolphins were damaged. The "Frisian Lady" shifted to the South Quay after unloading was completed on Sep 8 and left the port around 10 p.m. again bound to Amsterdam, ETA Sep 9, 7 p.m. Photos:
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