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Allision in Spannenburg
The helmsman of the 'Aries' was slightly injured in an allision with the Spannenburg bridge when the tug was transiting the the Prinses Margrietkanaal on the night of Dec 27, 2024. The wheelhouse of the ship was probably too high when the ship approached the bridge. The impact caused considerable damage to the cabin. Nets which were hanging under the bridge were damaged as well as a lamp. It was not known how the allision could have happened. It was only reported to Rijkswaterstaat ion the morning of Dec 27. The waterway,at Spannenburg was closed for a while. The police and the Environment and Transport Inspectorate (ILT) were conducting an investigation. Reports with video: https://www.nu.nl/313659/video/schade-aan-schip-en-brug-na-botsing-in-friesland.html?referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.binnenschifferforum.de%2F https://www.omropfryslan.nl/nl/nieuws/17101475/schip-botst-tegen-brug-spannenburg-vaarweg-beperkt-open
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