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Man injured in accident in engine room
One man was injured in the afternoon of Apr 28, 2015, aboard the "Aasfjord" in Dordrecht. Shortly after 12.10 p.m. there was an accident in the engine room of the ship which was moored at the industrial estate on the s-Gravendeelse dike in Dordrecht. Besides two ambulances and the fire brigade also a helicopter was summoned. It soon became apparent that the assistance of the Mobile Medical Team and the fire brigade is not necessary. The man was taken to hospital with face injuries. Dutch report with photos: http://www.zhzactueel.nl/2015/04/28/man-gewond-na-ongeval-in-machinekamer-van-schip-in-dordrecht/
Detention due to oil spillage
The "Humberborg" was detained on Piraeus roads on Oct 11, 2013, for a spill of about 300 liters of fuel from a fuel tank, odin.tc reports. The master and chief engineer were initially arrested, but meanwhile released. An investigation was launched, while the ship remained anchored off Piraeus.
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