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Microsleep may have caused collision at christmas 2021
A 'microsleep' was the possible cause of the collision of the fishing cutter 'Z60-Blue Angel' with the 'Amadeus Aquamarijn' near Texel on Dec 23, 2021, at 4.30 a.m., according to the Dutch Safety Board, which called on ship owners and maritime training institutes to pay extra attention to reduced alertness. The trawler hit the ship several times and tore a large hole in the hull. There were no injuries, but the damage to the freighter was extensive. According to the Dutch Safety Board, the cutter's mate did not see the freighter and therefore did not divert. The helmsman may even have fallen asleep for a very short time. But poor visibility through the night and the draft of the freighter may also have played a role. Although it is plausible that the coxswain of the cutter had the freighter on the radar, fatigue in combination with the alarm system being turned off also seemed to play a role in the collision. In the end it was the helmsman of the 'Amadeus Aquamarijn' who warned the fishing cutter. The Dutch Safety Board also considered it important that the crew of fishing vessels switch on navigation and warning equipment again after fishing. "During fishing, the CPA alarm goes off frequently. Because this is perceived as disturbing, the crew turns off this alarm while fishing. The shipping industry should use a simulator to pay more attention to practicing non-standard situations. Report with photos:
The Blue Angel Z60 collided last night with the Amadeus Aquamarijn in the TSS off Texel.
Engine trouble in Bay of Biscay
On Oct 13, 2018, at 8:30 a.m. the "Amadeus Aquamarijn", contacted the CROSS Corsen after an engine breakdown enroute from Klaipeda to Lorient in the Bay of Biscay with a crew of six on board. The ship dropped anchor two miles southwest of the Chaussée de Sein to avoid a drift. Because of the proximity to the coast, and the potential danger for navigation, the emergency tug "Abeille Bourbon" sailed from Ouessant at 08.30 a.m. and was on scene at 10 a.m. As the crew of the freighter was unable to repair the damage, they sought the assistance of the "Abeille Bourbon" which was contracted by the shipowner to be towed to Brest. At 11 a.m. the tug took the casualty on tow. Underway, the crew of the "Amadeus Aquamarijn" was able to repair the damage and regain its propulsion capabilities. The tow was released around 4 p.m., and the "Abeille Bourbon" escorted the ship to Sein. Specific navigation instructions were given to the cargo ship to stay in a safedistance from the coastline enroute to its port of destination. The ship berthed in Lorient around midnight. The ship sailed again on Oct 17 and berthed in the port of Gíjon on Oct 18 at 9.30 p.m.
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