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Maersk Diverts Second Ship to London Gateway Amid Felixstowe Congestion
(The Loadstar) – Maersk Line is switching a second Asia-North Europe loop vessel to London Gateway this week after concerns over ship and landside congestion at Felixstowe. And with the Chinese New Year holiday looming, shippers can expect considerably more disruption to supply chains as ocean carriers endeavour to overcome the impact of three weeks of reduced bookings. “Due to the forecasted weather towards next weekend and congestion at the port of Felixstowe, we have arranged to divert the Maersk Kolkata (96W/1606) to London Gateway,” Maersk said in a customer advisory on Friday. The 6,252 teu vessel is deployed on the carrier’s AE1 service, which it operates with its 2M alliance partner MSC. According to local sources the ship will discharge 1,400 containers in a 24-hour over the weekend. It will be Maersk Line’s second Asia-Europe ship to be diverted from Felixstowe to the DP World facility. The 8,850 teu Maersk Lavras sailed from London Gateway this morning, having discharged around 2,250 containers of Asian imports. http://gcaptain.com/2016/01/25/maersk-diverts-second-ship-to-london-gateway-amid-felixstowe-congestion/#.VqcPLyrNy9I
The "Maersk Kolkata" on Nov 22, 2010, assisted a mariner aboard the sailing vessel "Summer Delight" 288 nautical miles from Bermuda when the mainsails were damaged and the fuel and food were running low during his voyage to Bermuda from Nova Scotia.
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