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Man fell over board
On March 1, 2020, at noon a 55 year old man fell over board from the 'Wolfgang Borchert' on the Elbe in Hamburg at the height of the ferry pt. Neumühlen. Passangers managed to hold the person at the side of the ship until a crew member of a pilot boat could pull him back over a ramp at the stern. He was immediately resuscitated. and cared for by an emergency doctor who had arrived by helicopter in Neumühlen soon after. He was taken to hospital. Report with photo: https://aktuelles-aus-suederelbe.de/2020/03/01/mann-stuerzt-von-hadag-faehre-in-die-elbe/
The "Wolfgang Borchert" on July 25, 2010, replaced the HADAG-ferry "Jan Molsen" after this had lost hydraulic oil and caused a pollution on the Elbe thus entereing the SSB-yard at Oortkaten for repairs, in the lower Elbe run to Stadersand.
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