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Ship remains detained following oil spill
The 'CFS Wind' was still being detained at the port of Kingston on July 2, despite the spill from one of the containers it was carrying, which discharged an estimated 2,000 litres of heavy crude oil into the sea at Gordon Cay, being cleaned up. The 21 other flexi containers on board the ship, some of which were bulging, a sure sign that the contents were under pressure, have been removed to the cargo hold and the clean-up operation pretty much completed as of June 30. The spills on the ship’s deck, specifically the hatch covers, have been cleaned as well. However, the ship has still not yet been released to ensure the vessel is safe for navigation before it leaves. The ship left Port Lisas in Trinidad and Tobago on June 19, and arrived in Jamaica on June 22. The oil spill occurred on June 23 following an explosion from one of the flexi-bags in which the hazardous material was stored. It happened as crew members were conducting bunkering operations. The liquid spilled, coating the starboard side hull plating, with some getting into the sea. The MAJ has advised that usually, such hazardous liquids are transported in storage tanks, inside the cargo hold.
Oil spilt from damaged tank in Jamaica
About two tons of fuel oil leaked from the 'CFS Wind' on June 23, 2021, at the Kingston Contianer Terminal. An estimated 2,000 litres of heavy crude oil had flowed into the sea at Gordon Cay. The Jamaica Defence Force Coast Guard, which was the first responder entity to the incident, used booms to contain the spill, with other agencies helping with the clean-up. The ship was due to leave Kingston on June 25, but after the leakage occurred, it was detained for investigations and a damage assessment by the Environmental Management and Conservation Division at the National Environment and Planning Agency. The agency took out an enforcement order against the ship and its local agent Perez y Cia Jamaica, barring the vessel from leaving port until the full cleanup costs have been determined. The port authorities believed that the fuel leaked from on one of the 22 flexible fuel tanks on deck during the bunkering operations which was damaged. Due to the high temperature there was some sort of explosion. Other containers were bulging too and needed to be discharged. The ship remained stationary as of June 28. It was also served with a detention order by the MAJ under the Port State Control Regime, which empowers it to hold the vessel in port pending the completion of investigations or if it has any doubts that the vessel may be a danger to navigation.
Engine trouble in Bosphorus
The "Asiatic Wind", en route from Tuzla to Kingston, suffered a technical failure during the transit of the Bosphorus on Apr 14, 2018. She dropped anchor at Karanlik Liman achorageat 3 a.m. The vessel?s strait passage permission was temporarily cancelled by the Strait authority until completion of repairs by the crew.
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