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Disabled cargo ship at Thompson Graving Dock
The "Wilson Ggynia" arrived at Belfast on Apr 15 around 2 p.m. and was taken to a quay at the yard Thompson Graving Docon the Logan by harbour tugs, once the "Balder Viking" had delivered the vessel. Report with photo: http://www.news.odin.tc/index.php?page=view/article/1382/Wilson-Ggynia-in-Belfast
Wilson Gdynia towed to Belfast
On Apr 14 the "Wilson Gdynia was taken in tow by an offshore supply vessel "Balder Viking" (IMO: 9199634) in order to be towed to Belfast. The "Balder Viking" was contracted for £22,000 per day. In the morning of Apr 15 both vessels were approaching Belfast with an ETA of 9 a.m.
RNLI boats attending disabled cargo ship off Skerrvore
On Apr 12, 2014, just before 10.30 a.m. the Stornoway Coastguard was alerted by VHF to the "Wilson Gdynia" which had lost steerage enroute from Muuga to Fallafoss approximately 20 miles west of Skerryvore Lighthouse, South West of Tiree. The Stornoway Coastguard located the vessel, and the Barra RNLI lifeboat was launched at 11.37 a.m. The lifeboat remained on standby. The eight crew members remain on board the cargo vessel. The vessel was transporting wood chips. The Tobermory RNLI lifeboat launched shortly after 6 p.m. to take over from Barra Island lifeboat. The cargo ship had power but lost steerage and was drifting 20 miles west of the remote lighthouse at Skerryvore in winds if six beaufort and in seven metre seas. A tug was being despatched from Aberdeen to tow the vessel to safety but was not expected to be on scene until later on Apr 13. Given that the ship was drifting in a north westerly direction and was not in danger of encountering any hazards at present, the Stornoway Coastguard stood down the Tobermory lifeboat at daybreak. Reports with photos and video: http://news.stv.tv/scotland/271433-caribbean-cargo-ship-hits-difficulties-in-high-seas-off-scots-coast/ http://rnli.org/NewsCentre/Pages/Barra-and-Tobermory-Lifeboats-assist-cargo-ship-update1.aspx
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