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Crane collapsed onto barge
On Nov 9, 2016, around 4 p.m. a crane collapsed onto the "Wilka", 1126 ts (EU-No.: 04031290) which was berthed at the canal quay of the ESB (Edewechter Stahl Beton Bau) in Jeddeloh II, in the Ammerland municipality. The 43 year old crane operator suffered slight injuries when he fell ten meters down in his cabin which landed in the gravel of a silo. The volunteer fire rescue Jeddeloh II and the fire rescue Elmendorf laid out oil booms due to an oil pollution. The barge which had come from Elsfleth on Nov 8, suffered slight damage. The reason for the collapse was yet unkonw and investigated by the relevant authorites in Meppen and the water police. The damage was around 300.000 Euro. German report with photos: http://www.nwzonline.de/ammerland/blaulicht/kran-unfall-300000-euro-schaden_a_31,1,3208339263.html
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