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Elevated levels of legionella bacteria discovered in two pools
The Viking Line has announced that it has discovered elevated levels of legionella bacteria in two pools in the spa section of the 'Viking Glory'. he Institute for Health and Welfare THL was not aware of anyone on the ship being infected. The elevated values were discovered during a routine test, and the ship operated as normal between Turku, Åland and Stockholm. For safety reasons, the spa of the 'Viking Glory' has been closed and cleaning was underway. It will take at least a week before the spa can be opened again. The pools have been emptied and were cleaned daily, and investigations were started how a bacteria like this could have ended up in the water system. Further control samples must be carried out before the spa can be reopened.
Medevac off Stockholm
The 'Viking Glory' stopped in the Stockholm archipelago at Mjölkö in thje Österåkers municipality for an hour on Nov 7, 2023, at 9.15 p.m. en route from Stockholm to Långnäs. A passenger had fallen ill and needed to be medevaced. A lifeboat came alongside to take the patient off and transported him to shore for medical treatment. After the rescue operation, the 'Viking Glory 'continued towards Långnäs and then on to Turku, where it arrived on Nov 9 at 7.15 a.m. UTC.
Person with measles sailed on ferry
A person with measles traveled on the 'Viking Glory' that departed from Turku to Stockholm in the morning of Aug 6, 2023. Now people who were on board are asked to be alert for symptoms. A total of approximately 3,500 people, of which approximately 2,000 from Sweden - have been contacted via email by the Public Health Agency and Viking Line about the possible risk of an infection. People who have sailed aboard ferry and develop measles symptoms are asked to contact healthcare via 1177. It is important not to sit in waiting rooms or visit healthcare centers without prior notification, as there is then a risk of the spread of infection.
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