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Large dredgers to join fleet working at Suez Canal project
Two large dredgers will arrive in Egypt in May and June for the expansion of the Suez Canal, executive director of dredging works at the project Wagdi Zaki said. Dutch dredging company Van Oord will send its trailing suction hopper dredger "UTRECHT ", with a capacity of 16,000 cubic meters, to the canal on May 27, Zaki said. Trailing suction hopper dredger "ORANJE", which is part of the fleet of Dutch company Boskalis, will arrive on June 12 with a capacity of also 16,000 cubic meters, he said. Source : State Information Services Egypt
Van Oord vessels commence operations in Baydaratskaya Bay
On August 13, 2014, dredging ships of Van Oord (two trailing suction hopper dredgers Utrecht and Geopotes 15 as well as two hydrographic vessels Coastal Voyager and Geo Explorer) started implementation of operations in Baydaratskaya Bay (Yamal-Nenets autonomous region) scheduled for navigation period of 2014, Van Oord tells IAA PortNews. For several years, Van Oord, as a subcontractor of Mezhregiontruboprovodstroi OJSC, has been implementing the trenching and backfilling project in the Baydaratskaya Bay of the Kara Sea. The work is part of the project involing the development of infrastructure to transport gas from the Bovanenkovskoye gas field to Europe via the Bovanenko-Ukhta gas pipeline system.
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