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Record breaker regarding fines
The "SL 27 - Johannes Stellendam was caught for the third time in two years illegally fishing in the North Sea.The ship was detained already on August 24 , 2011, with five fishermen on board in Dunkerque. The owner had to pay a deposit of 45,000 Euros to get the vessel back. On October 20 he must appear in court regarding this issuce. On Sep 14, 2011, a French inspection discovered that the mesh of fishing nets was smaller than allowed. The owner was fined with 22,500 Euros for this. In May 2011, the "John Stellendam" was held at Boulogne-sur-Mer with the wrong gear. The ship then had another owner who was fined with 20,000 Euro, but has appealed against this. In 2009 the ship was halted due to bad gear.
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