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Third deadly accident on Urk fishing vessel
On Apr 9, 2016, a 60 year old Polish crew member of the "Jacoba Alijda - UK 268" fell over board of the ship in the port of Lauwersoog and drowned. After the crew remarked that the man was missing and saw a shoe floating in the water, alarm was raised. After a search with boats from the fire rescue and KNRM the lifeless body was found in the water around 11 p.m. The cause of the accident was investigated by the police. They ruled out a crime and handled it as an accident. However, the investigation has not yet fully been completed. Already in January 2006 the ship was involved in a fatal accident. A 27-year-old Polish sailor was hit ove rboard during bad weather in the North Sea when the nets were plotted. He drowned and was recovered from the water some hours later. In 2013, the trawler was hit by another fatal accident. A 43-year-old Filipino sailor was seriously injured during a mooring manoever and died en route to hospital.
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