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TUFAN 7101891
On Mar 23, 2011, the "Sabine" was investigated by the water police Brake regarding an environmental crime. As part of a specific check, they noted that in the cofferdam larger quantities of environmentally hazardous oil-water mixture was stored. A look at the oil record book of the ship made the officers suspicious: It was clear that large amounts of the oil-water mixture which had to be pumped from the bilge into a designated tank had leaked into the cofferdam due to a defect. Because of the findings the trade association movement banned the freighter, which come from Kaliningrad, from proceeding until the oil-water mixture was pumped from the ship and safely disposed of shore. Subsequently the vessel was allowed to leave the port of Brake. In regard of criminal proceedings in Germany, officials of the police collected in consultation with the prosecutor at Oldenburg a guarantee of 500 Euro from the responsible engineer.
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