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Rescue boat fell 20 meters deep
After a crane cable broken, a rescue boat it was just lifting from its cradle, fell down from a height of 20 meters from the 'Torm Maren' with three occupants on Apr 1, 2020, while the tanker was off the coast of Sierra Leone, while en route from Lagos to Gibraltar. The Spanish Navy patrol ship SPS 'Auadaz - P45' (MMSI: 224062000) came to assist. A paramedics team boarded the tanker and rendered first aid to the injured occupants of the boat, including a 28-year old woman and two men, 40 and 26 years old, who suffered severe trauma, mainly lumbar and pelvic. Thehealth personal and members of the operational security team remained on board throughout the night, keeping the injured stable and administering the necessary medication until they could be treated on a ghigher level. The tanker headed for Conakry to transfer the injured to hospital. The vessel arrived at Conakry anchorage in the afternoon of April 2 where the injured were medevaced and the health and security personnel debarked onto the patrol boat. Spanish report with photos:
Stowaways boarded tanker through rudder trunk
Officers of the Nigerian Navy Ship arrested three stowaways who had boarded the "Torm Maren" on Feb 4, 2016. The suspects were handed over to the Police for prosecution. The suspects were said to have boarded the vessel through the rudder trunk and accessed the manhole while the ship berthed at the National Oil Jetty (NOJ), Apapa, to discharge petroleum product.
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