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Bulkcarrier breached in allision
The bulkcarrier "Bogdan" was in collision with the "Tao Star" in Beira port on Mar 6, 2014. During a manoeuvre the "Bogdan" hit the starboard quarter of the "Tao Star" which was berthed at quay No. 9 where she was discharging South African manufactured railway wagons. While the damage to the "Bogdan" appeared to be minior, the "Tao Star" suffered a large hole in the engine room where a cylinder oil tank was brecahed. Cylinder oil was spilt into the fast running ebb tide. The "Tao Star" was also pushed into a bollard on the quay which broke off. The impact caused further internal damage to shell plating and frames of the bulkcarrier. GL class surveyors were assessing the considerable damage. The "Tao Star" left the port again on Mar 11, destined for Durban with an ETA of Mar 13. Report with photo: http://ports.co.za/news/news_2014_03_11_01.php#two
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