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Arrested ship released
Regarding the arrest of the 'Svyatoy Georgiy Pobedonosets' on Sep 20 in Durres, an agreement was reached and vessel was released. The vessel discharged the cargo and sailed from Durres on Oct 13, bound o Azov, ETA Oct 21.
Arrest in Durres
The "Svyatoy Georgiy Pobedonosets" was being arrested since Sep 20, 2019 at Durres anchorage, by local Court order, due to commercial disputes apparently related with title of ownership over the shipment the vessel has on board. The ship was moored in pos. 41° 15.29' N 019° 27.75' E.
Struck a tug, which had to ground to avoid sinking, Volga river
At around 2300 June 17 2012 general cargo vessel Sv. Georgiy Pobedonosets lost control due to steering mechanism failure, and struck tug OT-2117, which was pushing 4 barges, on a 1743 kilometer mark, near Samara, river Volga. Tug got a big hole portside in engine room area, to avoid sinking, tug grounded on a nearby shoal some 800 meters off shore. Engine room flooded, salvage is under way, nobody was injured. Sv. Georgiy Pobedonosets was undamaged and safely reached Samara for investigation. Vessel is en route from S-Petersburg loaded with steel. Maritime Bulletin
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