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Apostel refloated
The "Sveti Apostel Andrey", 1197 ts (EU-Nr.: 02314095), which was stuck on the Danube, river km 2268,6 near Osterhofen since Oct 16, could finally be refloated on Nov 22 at 1 a.m. with the rising water level. The crew had been cared for by the water police Deggendorf during the recent weeks. German report with photo:
Barge still stuck... the Danube shore off Ruckasing. Photos:
Grounding on the Danube
The "Sv. Ap. Andrey", 1197 ts (EU-No.: : 02314095) ran aground on the Danube at river km 2268,6 near Osterhofen on Oct 16, 2015. The barge was underway from Passau towards Regensburg with a cargo of 700 tons steel pipes and was waiting for the passing ship from the oppisite side when getting out of the fairway and daming ist rudder gear. The ship was still stuck, but was not obstructing the passing traffic. German report with photo:
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