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Tanker assisted disabled fishing vessel
The "Atria" assisted the Kochi based fishing vessel "Arokiya Matha" in heave seas off the New Mangalore coast on Dec 10, 2013. At about 8.40 a.m., the Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC), Mumbai received a distress message from the fishing vessel that it had one sick person on board and that its engine was damaged. The MRCC relayed this message to the "Atria" which was in the vicinity. The tanker which was on its way to Singapore changed course and proceeded towards the fishing vessel to assist it. The crew on board the "Atria" passed a towing line and medicines to the crew on board the vessel and started towing it. The "Atria" dropped the towing line off Mangalore in the vicinity of another fishing boat and also established communication with the Indian Coast Guard Ship "Abheek" before setting off for Singapore. The "Abheek" sent a boarding team to the "Arokiya Matha" with first aid kit and a technical team to rectify its damaged engine. A Coastal Security Police boat took charge of the fishing vessel and helped the stricken vessel enter the old port at Bunder. The crew on board the "Arokiya Matha" were safe.
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