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dely Dalian 04/05 Apr , $12,500, for 6/8 months, to SwissMarine
Star Bulk Carriers Corp takes delivery of postpanmax Star Vega
Star Bulk Carriers Corp., a global shipping company focusing on the trans portation of dry bulk cargo es, today ann ounced that it has taken delivery of M/ V Star Vega, a Post ‐ Panamax bulk carrier of approximately 98,000 deadweight tons carrying capacity, the company said in its press release. The Vessel has commenced a time charter with the sellers of the Vessel for a period between 30 months to 34 months, at a gross daily hire rate of $15,000 minus a 1.25% address commission on gross revenues. The vessel is expected to generat e approximately $13.4 million in charter revenue over the minimum contracted period.The Star Vega is the first of the two modern Post ‐ Panamax bulk carriers to be delivered to the Company, pursuan to the relevant binding agreements announced on Janu ary 29, 2014. The second Post ‐ Panamax bulk carrier, M/V Star Sirius, is expected to be delivered to the Company in early Ma rch of 2014.
sold to Star Bulk with MV GL Daishan 60million USD
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