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Stern of grounded tanker now awash
Engine oil has begun leaking from the grounded I"Srikandi 515" which was driven ashore by heavy seas in Narathiwat in November and was washed up on Narathat beach on Dec 12 after having been anchored 400 meters off the shore. The stern of the vessel which carried 2.7 million litres of palm oil, was awash and apparently punctured by the coastal rocks off the beach in Muang Narathiwat district. Attempts to salvage the ship have been unsuccessful for three days and hampered by bad weather. Engine oil was spreading out. It was feared the tanks might be breached. Reports with photos and video: http://www.google.de/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.iefimerida.gr%2Fsites%2Fdefault%2Ffiles%2Fploio-steria-708.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.iefimerida.gr%2Fnews%2F183232%2Fploio-poy-eihan-katalavei-peirates-vgainei-sti-steria-toys-prodose-i-agkyravinteo&h=320&w=708&tbnid=HdqmXn-uCsvP4M%3A&zoom=1&docid=fMFr0VktCNRH6M&ei=EA-UVK70C8X4OpyEgPAE&tbm=isch&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=3637&page=2&start=18&ndsp=29&ved=0CJgBEK0DMBw http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/general/450881/hijacked-indonesian-palm-oil-tanker-grounded-leaking-engine-oil-off-narathiwat http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2014/12/15/critical-situation.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldBOqP5F2iw
Ill fated tanker pushed aground
The "Srikandi-515", which had been arrested by the Thai police together with pirates on board, was pushed ashore on a coastline of Narathiwat in Gulf of Siam, during the weekend Dec 13-14, 2014, by a strong wind after the anchor dragged. The ship was pushed broadside onto the vcoastline. A salvage operation was started soon after. There was no leakage of the cargo of palm oil. Report with photos: https://www.fleetmon.com/newsroom/2014/5709/ill-fated-tanker-srikandi-515-ran-aground/
Captured tanker ran out of bunkers
The Thai police on Nov 27, 2014, arrested the "Srikandi 515", which had been hijacked on Oct 9 in Kalimantan waters by pirates, and was missing since then. The vessel sailed into Narathiwat province waters in the Gulf of Siam, trying to get some bunker. The tanker anchored off the coast because it didn’t have fuel to sail further. There were still some 2,500 tons of palm oil on board. Eight Indonesians on board who were armed with machetes and knives were arrested too. The Thailand authorities contacted the Indonesian Embassy and notified the Indonesian police. The product tanker Shad been loaded with 3,100 tons of palm oil and left Sampit, Kalimantan, on Oct 8, bound for Gresik, East Java. After the vessel did not arrive there as scheduled, a search was launched on Oct 17. On Oct 24 Malaysian fishermen picked up the tanker’s crew and took them to Chendering on the Malaysian mainland territory. They reported that their vessel was captured by pirates on Oct 9. The crew was held captive for 13 days, locked and with eyes blindfolded before being disembarked on a raft with food and water supplies.
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