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Siem Pilot rescued 510 refugees
On Apr 16, 017, the "Siem Pilot" has picked up 510 refugees from the Mediterranean within a few hours as part of Frontex operation Triton. The vessel was heading to rescue more. Photo:
Siem Pilot rescued 503 migrants
On Mar 5, 2017, the "Siem Pilot" arrived at Catania with 503 migrants on board which had been previously rescued in the Mediterranean. The migrants had sailed from Libya last week in crowded rubber boats and boats. The "Siem Pilot" has been involved in eight rescue missions since Mar 2. Among the 503 migrants were 358 men, 29 women and 116 children, including babies. Many of them had injuries - including bullet-, fire- and head injuries. A 16-year-old boy with chronic disease died shortly after he came on board.´- The crew gave him the best treatment, and he died without pain. The boy had traveled alone. Two people were suspected of being traffickers. They were detained and handed over to the Italian authorities for further investigations.
29 rescued alive, 12 recovered dead and around 100 missing off Libya
The "Siem Pilot" fought against two meter high waves in the search for the nearly 100 missing after an inflatable boat capsized in the afternoon of Nov 2. A rescue operation was launched after a rubber boat with migrants had overturned north of Libya. Three young children were among the dead. There were between 120 and 140 people in the dinghy. 29 were rescued alive and 12 recovered dead so far by the "Siem Pilot". The ship headed north to meet an Italian Coastguard ship which will take over the dead and survivors. Other ships continued the rescue operation.
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