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Captain extracted due to severe illness
The Captain of the 'Shetland Trader' was extracted at Ramsgate on April 16, 2022, and taken to the Queen Elizabeth Queen Mother Hospital in Margate, Kent. He had exhibited Cold/Flu type symptoms for some time, which worsened over the last few days. He was confused, lethargic and did not eat for the last three days. The vessel was located in position 51 20 20 N, 001 28 53 E about 2,5 nautical miles from Ramsgate. The initial test done for Covid virus infection returned negative. The ship had sailed from Drogheda on April 12, bound for Howdendyke with an ETA as of April 16.
Allision with training wall
On Jan 4, 2018,at 8 a.m. the "Shetland Trader", sailing in ballast with seven persons on board including pilot, allided with a training wall which separates the rivers of the Trent and Ouse in lat 53 42.02N, long 00 41.46W. The pilot and the master have sounded the vessel and reported that there was slight damage to the vessel with a possibility of propeller damage. The vessel has anchored at the Holme Hook Anchorage, river Humber awaiting information on a dry dock. It berthed in Kingston upon Hull on Jan 5 and headed to Terneuzen on Jan 7, arriving there on Jan 9 and leaving again on Jan 11, bound to Ayr.
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