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Barge went adrift on Amsterdam-Rhine Canal
The 'Seinpost', 3343 ts (EU-No.: 02331835), went adrift on the Amsterdam-Rhine Canal in the night of July 15. The police of Stichtse Vecht were alerted because a boat about 20 meters lenght was seen out of control on the waterway in Breukelen. On the spot they found a ship that was significantly larger than reported - the 110 meter long ibarge wasdrifting in the shipping lane The skipper was sleeping on board, but was quickly woken up with some light signals. The ship was safely brought back to the quay. He said there was another ship between his and the quay before he went asleep. This had left without a message at night. On July 16 at 9.50 a.m. the vessel berthed in Rotterdam. Dutch report with photo:
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