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Tanker sank off Tanjung Penyusop
The tanker "Formula One" rescued the 11 crew members and a Malaysian technical passenger, aged 23 to 55, of the "Sea Frontier" after the tanker sank near Tanjung Penyusop in pos. 01° 21.94' N 104° 19.31' E. The tanker had struck rocks while attempting to dock, causing hull damage with ensuing water ingress two nautical miles east of Tanjung Penyusop and was about 75 % submerged at 9.15 p.m. The Johor Baru Maritime Rescue Sub Center (MRSC) immediately relayed assistance to the scene, as well as informing the Marine Department and the Department of Environment (DoE) as the vessel carried Marine Gas Oil. An MMEA vessel from Tanjung Sedili was deployed to transfer the castaways to shore for treatment, all of whom were unhurt and were handed over to the Johor Marine Department for further action. On Feb 7 a crane barge was alongside the half sunken ship. Report with photo and video:
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