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Indian hostages released
Nigerian police have rescued three Indian sailors who were kidnapped from the "San Miguel" off the coast of Equatorial Guinea on Jan 3, 2014. The vessel was attacked by pirates, and three Indian crew members were kidnapped. On Jan 30 the Nigerian state security services (SSS) in collaboration with the military rescued the three Indians. No ransom was paid for their release.
Attacked, 3 hostages taken, Gulf of Guinea
Pirates hijacked 3 crew from local passenger ro-ro vessel San Miguel on Jan 3 14. Vessel was boarded by pirates some 20 miles northwest of Bata, Equatorial Guinea, and taken to a location off Kribi, Cameroon, reported Pirates ransacked the vessel, robbing crew (and maybe passengers, if there were any) of all valuables, destroyed navigational equipment and fled, taking with them 3 hostages – Master, engineer (most probably Chief Engineer) and welder.
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